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Review: Embracing my Submission (Doms of Genesis #1) by Julie Jacob

Title: Embracing my Submission
Author:  Julie Jacob
Publisher/Year:  Dreamsworld 12/20/12
Length:  236 Pages
Series: Doms of Genesis #1


Haunted for years by dreams of a savage, amber eyed Dominant with lips so enticing my soul ached in frustration and lust. None of the Dominants at Genesis, my local BDSM club ever stirred me in such blistering ways. While I tried to fill my submissive desires vicariously through interactions at the club, I attempted to convince myself it was enough. But it wasn’t. My dream Dom made certain I hungered for more.

Forced beyond what I could bear, my passion and frustration exploded. I threw in the towel, determined to stop chasing a dream and gave up completely on finding submissive surrender. But fate intervened when two gunshots split the night. Forced to confront my desires and insecurities, I was shocked to realize that my dreams may have held a deeper meaning. Were they compelling me to finally embrace my submission?

My Thoughts

Based on the synopsis, i thought that this book was going to be great – i mean the thought of having some sexy hot stranger haunting your dreams giving you hope of something more couldn’t go wrong right?  well, i feel like this book continued my streak of less than stellar reads.

We meet Emerald or Julianna – whatever you want to call her as she’s working the check in / reception of the local BDSM club.  She has her mentor/daddy and ‘brother’/fellow subs with her giving her comfort and adding the supporting cast, but to be honest, it was a bit much.  I feel like what i’ve gotten from this genre in the past and what we get here are VASTLY different.

When we meet Emerald, she’s struggling with the fact that she doesn’t have a dom, she’s the lone single in the club it seems and she’s miserable about it.  She’s yet to find her yang and that’s something that she’s struggled with – in the sense that it makes her question her choices in the community and it makes her wonder if she’s not good enough.

It’s on this night that a sexy stranger comes into the club that she feels like maybe there’s hope.  that and the fact that she’s visited in her dreams by a woman who looks just like her leading her to a man that she calls ‘sir drool’ and is so authoritative and sexy that she has him on a pedestal.

The sexy stranger in the club though – a completely different guy makes her feel like there’s something there, however we soon learn that appearances aren’t always what they seem.  This man takes her on a DARK path and it’s only when the secret/private owner of the club Mika steps in that we see what truly can be good for her.

What throws me off here is the writing style – i don’t like it.  It’s written in a crude way that’s just not sexy and attractive to me.  I tend to lean towards more high brow writing i guess in this genre – it’s what works for me, and in this case, the style was the polar opposite.  good for some folks i’m sure – but not for me.

The other thing here is that i just couldn’t get into the story.  there was a moment there that i was engaged – when we begin to learn about some of the dark secrets that Mika and his father have, but other than that – i just wanted to turn the pages quickly to get to the end.  I even rushed through the final chapters since i wasn’t into it and couldn’t bring myself to just put the book down.

So, the question for myself is – do i trust that the series will improve as many others have in the past and keep going or do i just move on?  I think that for now, i’m going to move on – there’s too much out there for me to enjoy  – but that doesn’t mean that i won’t revisit in the future.

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