Review: Dirtiest Secret (S.I.N. #1) by J Kenner


Title: Dirtiest Secret
Author: J Kenner
Publisher/Year:  Random House Publishing 4/19/16
Length:   320 pages
Series:  S.I.N. #1


From the New York Times bestselling author of such “sizzling Stark novels” (RT Book Reviews) asRelease Me and Say My Name comes a Stark International Novel featuring provocative bad boy Dallas Sykes—the first in a new trilogy in the S.I.N. series.

It was wrong for us to be together, but it was even harder to be apart.
The memory of Dallas Sykes burns inside of me.

Everyone knows him as a notorious playboy, a man for whom women and money are no object. But to me, he’s still the one man I desperately crave—yet the one I can never have.

Dallas knows me better than anyone else. We bear the same scars, the same darkness in our past. I thought I could move on by staying away, but now that we’re drawn together once more, I can’t fight the force of our attraction or the temptation to make him mine.

We’ve tried to maintain control, not letting ourselves give in to desire. And for so long we’ve told ourselves no—but now it’s finally time to say yes.

My Thoughts

We’ve gotten hints and glimpses into the man that’s Dallas but i think that no one had any real idea what his past was made up of, and how horrible it was.  It’s his driving force in everything that he does now in life, and it’s understandable.

Being kidnapped at the age of 17 really does a number on someone, especially when there’s torture and especially when you’re sister (not blood) / lover / best friend is kidnapped with you and tortured along side you.  The remainder of his life has been set towards finding out who was behind the deed and what their motive was.

The sister, Jane comes to us as a new character entirely, never hinted at in the series that we read with Damian or Jackson.  It’s nice to have a new person, especially since we only knew of Dallas as a womanizer and nothing more.  Jane was there with him during the kidnapping for the most part, and has had to deal with the issues and challenges that come from it.

The path that this story takes is an interesting one.  The first is the constant fight between these 2, they know that there’s a draw and connection and sadly, the only way that Dallas feels that he can deal is to push her away. It’s taken years for Jane to stand up for what she wants, and well, it’s not necessarily giving her the outcome that she hoped for.

Alongside this story line, we get the search that Dallas’s vigilante organization has going to find out who his captors were, ‘The Jailer’ and ‘The Woman’ since they were the 2 that really made his life horrible, and well, he’s closing in on someone, and then finds that he’s killed himself.  (sure…..).  On top of that, his organization is sooo covert, that when it comes to light that someone’s outed them slightly, in outing their code name, things begin to get complicated.  Jane’s got her own agenda in this sense as well as it’s been her job now writing stories about kidnapings and now writing a story about the vigilante side of things which makes Dallas uncomfortable along with his partners, and then there’s the complete uncertainty that we don’t know what will happen if they are outed.

Throughout this story, i have had my suspicions on who was involved and we see a bit of headway coming through.  whether i’m right or wrong is still to be determined but we’re left on a cliffhanger as the people that are being named aren’t those that you’d really want to see included.

There’s also the Dom (BDSM) side of things that we see Jane branching out to since that’s the kind of control that we know that Dallas needs now, and that’s going to cause plenty of challenges in the story line.  Where that goes, well i think we’ll need more of the story to take us there.  the great thing is that J Kenner has this amazing ability to really take us deeper into a scene and feel the passion and heat leaping from the pages to keep us engaged.  I don’t know about anyone else who’s read this, but there are times when these 2 come together that it’s so hot it’s explosive.

And on that note – have a great night everyone and i’ll be back around soon!

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