Review: Garnet’s Story (The Lone City #1.25) by Amy Ewing


Title: Garnet’s Story
Author: Amy Ewing
Publisher/Year: Harper Collins 9/13/16
Length:   100 Pages
Series:  The Lone City #1.25


In The Jewel and The White Rose, we follow Violet in her servitude under the Duchess of the Lake. Now we’ll hear the Duchess’s son, Garnet’s, story in this digital novella—a companion story to the New York Times bestselling Lone City trilogy.

Garnet, the son of the Duchess of the Lake, has always been a spoiled playboy. But now, for the first time, Garnet is beginning to realize the horrors that his family, and the ruling community, have perpetrated. And he just may be ready to do something about it.

My Thoughts

I’ve always wondered about Garnet as i read through the series and i think that there was definitely a lot more to him than we knew.  Especially coming out of book 1, the Jewel, he’s really given a persona to live up to and it’s not until the last few lines that we see that there’s something bigger going on here.  In this novella that we get about him, we see truly what that ‘more’ is and what caused it to all come to happen.

So we know that Garnet is the Duchess’s son, the one that purchased Violet, and we know that his reputation precedes him quite a bit.  He’s known more for his partying and antics than for being someone that will be the future Duke of the Lake and i think all along i wondered if it was an act or cover, and in this novella we get to see exactly what it is.

We come into this story right before the auction i believe, and we see that Garnet is up to his partying ways which of course get him into trouble.  BIG trouble.  If it weren’t for Lucien, then things would have turned out so much differently for him in this series so it’s lucky Violet’s in the picture and Lucien is in the picture.

What we see in Garnet’s story from that point on are a lot of scenes that we had already gotten from Violet’s side – where Garnet came into a dinner late and drunk, where he bumped into Violet at a party, and the whole process of the search for a suitable wife for him.  We didn’t really get much of that side of the story before which humanizes Garnet in ways that i think were needed, but we get to see that there’s so much working behind it all that there’s something bigger going on.

The other nice piece of this story is that we get to see what the relationship is between Anabelle and Garnet.  personally, i was quite curious at that one because there were scenes where we would see them interact without any context and at least we get that and a bit more in this novella.  To be honest, i think that there’s still more potentially that we aren’t told about, but i think that we get enough to validate a lot of what i was questioning and then get to see how that plays out as the story progresses.

supposedly there are a few more novellas that i need to track down, so that’s my quest- but in the meantime, have a great day!

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