Review: Dirty Rich Secrets: Part 2 (Dirty Rich #12) by Lisa Renee Jones

Title: Dirty Rich Secrets: Part 2
Author:  Lisa Renee Jones
Publisher/Year:  Julie Patra Publishing 8/13/19
Length:  81 Pages
Series:  Dirty Rich #12


Part two in the Dirty Rich Secrets trilogy

My Thoughts

so clearly that summary doesn’t do it justice, but we are now into the mid point of this novella trilogy. We know that Ashley and Aaron/Noah are back on ok terms, realizing that they need to be together more than they need to be apart, yet Ashley is still in a position where she’s not sure what to believe – who to believe, and who’s going to make her safe.

Where we left off at the end of the first book, They were running from a cabin that they thought was safe, but turns out that Noah’s mentor Edward wasn’t ‘for’ them, and he ended up poisoning himself before they could get answers. As they’re running from that house, they get ambushed, and Ashley is knocked unconscious and when she wakes up, she’s not with who she thought she would be with.

So, fast forward now to the second book – when we find out that she IS with Noah and that he’s likely the only one who can protect her. They would die for each other so perhaps this is a good thing. The challenge from here out is that they don’t know who’s really after them, who’s going to be able to help and who cannot be trusted. Ashley brings Smith and the Walkers back into the mix, and from all other LRJ series, we know that literally are the BEST in security and protection, and perhaps they can help. IF they can trust Noah. Which is a hard thing to do.

The bulk of the story from here on out is watching how this unravels, how we want the Walkers to decide to help but there’s so much trust that’s lost already. Smith has his ties to Ashley from when she needed to run from Noah, and there were interesting feelings developing from that. There are emotions there that Noah doesn’t like and his jealousy takes a toll on everyone. Then there’s the introduction of Blake into the mix and we know that he’s one of the best guys out there both professionally and personally. So things have to look up right?

Just when they have hacked and gathered enough information to get to the crux of what they think is going on, the worst happens. they are discovered, bombs are planted and shots are fired. We are left knowing that there are going to be several folks that won’t make it out of this ambush alive and i’m worried about who we will be saying goodbye to.

Sad part now is that we have to wait a month until book three is out and i don’t know that i can wait that long! this is my plea for an early book three!!!!!!! help me!!!!

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