Review: Twisted Palace (The Royals #3) by Erin Watt


Title: Twisted Palace
Author: Erin Watt
Publisher/Year: EverAfter Romance 11/2/16
Length:   370 Pages
Series:  The Royals #3


These Royals will ruin you…

From mortal enemies to unexpected allies, two teenagers try to protect everything that matters most.

Ella Harper has met every challenge that life has thrown her way. She’s tough, resilient, and willing to do whatever it takes to defend the people she loves, but the challenge of a long-lost father and a boyfriend whose life is on the line might be too much for even Ella to overcome.

Reed Royal has a quick temper and even faster fists. But his tendency to meet every obstacle with violence has finally caught up with him. If he wants to save himself and the girl he loves, he’ll need to rise above his tortured past and tarnished reputation.

No one believes Ella can survive the Royals. Everyone is sure Reed will destroy them all.
They may be right.

With everything and everyone conspiring to keep them apart, Ella and Reed must find a way to beat the law, save their families, and unravel all the secrets in their Twisted Palace.

My Thoughts

Where we left off at the end of book 2 was that Reed was in deep trouble now that Brooke’s been found dead and he was the last person spotted with her, and on top of that, it turns out that Steve, Ella’s father truly isn’t dead.  so of course that means that what was a roller coaster before is going to be even bumpier now.

Throughout this finale we’re dealing with a few things.  First being the fact that Ella and Reed truly have feelings for each other and they want to be together and yet, there are so many things pulling them apart outside of themselves.  Steve wants Ella to have nothing to do with Reed, the kids at school keep making things complicated – but throughout it all they find solace with each other.

Then there are the brothers who i adore – Easton is growing on me so much more – he’s such a sweet guy who’s overcoming so much of his own addiction throughout this story that it’s nice to see the teddy bear side of him come out.  Gideon of course continues to be elusive and he’s an odd one since we know why he’s always in the mood that he’s in, yet it’s a question of whether he’ll ever be able to get away from all that has caused it.  namely Dinah.  (Steve’s wife)  We at least continue to get the relief from Val, Ella’s bestie who knows exactly what to say and do and how to do it all to make Ella feel a bit better of the horror that her life has become.  Val of course guides Ella through what it’s like to have a parent who’s protective and a father at that who’s over over protective. Because of all this, we also get to see ab it more about who Val is and what’s going on in her angst ridden teenage life – so that’s a nice addition in this installment.

The roller coaster that i mentioned is off the charts here.  We know that Reed didn’t kill brooke but there’s no one else that they can pin it on.  mind you, i figured it out quite early on because it’s obvious to me, but of course not to the cops.  Reed has to make the choice of whether to juts take the plea deal and do time or to take it to trial where he’s not sure that he’ll win even though he’s innocent.  The family works to stand beside him, but it’s tough at times knowing that the entire town is against him and there’s so much that keeps cropping up that’s just going to make more trouble.

There are so many questions in this book.  Who killed Brooke.  What’s Dinah’s motive with being such a bitch.  Does Steve really suspect that Dinah was behind the gliding accident and what will that mean for her down the road and will Ella and Reed ever be free to spend their days together.  You’ll have to read to find all that out.  Enjoy!